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Why should you bother getting an EHCP by Rox Nicholl

ehcp guest blog

Sometimes, getting an EHCP can be a bit like getting one of those big heavy-duty carpet cleaners in to do your carpets after a few years. Expensive, and hard work, and sometimes you get covered in

mess, and you’re left exhausted...

BUT, at the end, after the machine has gone back to the shop, and all the carpets are dry and the furniture put in place, you look around and say “Oh, that’s what colour my carpet was supposed to be!” (Or that could be just me.)

It’s been a year since my daughter started at her special needs secondary school, after the primary school said a) she wouldn’t get an EHCP and b) even if she did, she would never get into that school.

Today was her first day back, and for the first time, she got ready for school and out the door with neither tears nor drama. She’s supported. She’s valued, just as she is. Scars remain from the time

before her EHCP, a bit like stubborn stains in the carpet, but we can live around the damage now.

We are not surrounded by dust and trying not to sneeze – we are actually making progress towards happy, healthy lives.

An EHCP is worth fighting for. The right school placement and support is worth fighting for. It’s the small moments that come later – the laughter, the jokes, the chance to finally have a first day at school photo.

(Rox Nicholl – Autistic blogger and SEND parent)

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