What is an Advocate?

People often ask me what I do in regards to advocacy..
They want me to advise them as to what it is and the best way I can explain it is this...
I am the map reader and you drive the bus... In life the last thing you want is someone other than you, running down the aisle, pushing you out the driving seat..
You were on your way to London and now the new driver has stepped in and all of a sudden you are off to Glasgow.
The point of an advocate, or anyone in your life for that matter is that they should support and co-pilot, not jump on board and change your direction.
In regards to SEND, you will have a set of values for your family, who you all are and what you want for your child.
In advocacy, it is about finding out what those are, what location you are trying to get to, then supporting you to find the right route and navigate the speed bumps along the way.
An advocate is dangerous if they 'TELL' you what to do. In fact this is how people get into abusive situations, or are gaslighted. If someone starts to dictate what is right for you.. then red flags should start to fly..
If you have any questions or concerns, just PM us. xx
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