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What is a Working Document?

draft check ehcp working document

A working document is a WORD document of your EHCP. It means that you and the LA can work on the document together.

You can add in all the evidenced information you have from reports and line out any areas you are not happy with.

On a working document yourself and the LA must make sure you don't just delete things. The other party have to know what changes you have made. Use the comments tool in word and also lining out rather than deletion.

You can show your changes by making your changes bold or a different colour. (If the working doc is for appeal you have to use the key at the top of the WD.)

When you get your Draft EHCP - email the LA and ask for it in a word doc. Tell them you will track changes, but that this will be a quicker way of getting the job done.

Remember - An EHCP is basically a cut and paste of your reports. Your plan is only as good as your reports. You need to look through them and cut and paste into the word EHCP anything the LA has missed.

I will be making a video later about how to draft check before the 15 days...

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