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We've Got You.

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This morning I’ve already opened my inbox to parents apologising for being stressed, exhausted, in despair… phone calls yesterday with parents just giving up all hope that someone will listen.

You see it’s not our kids who leave us desperate. It’s the system.

Manipulation, dishonesty, being ignored…

Plain and simple.. it’s a horrible time to be a parent of a child with SEND.

I bet you look around you and see parents whose kids don’t need the help yours does looking more calm and getting this parenting thing… you probably feel jealous of the peace they seem to have..

You are not alone. I feel it too. You are not mad for wanting life to be more manageable.

I wish it was easier. I wish parents had the strength to actually focus on parenting because they didn’t have to fight so hard…

But when a system is broken.. all you can do is keep pushing forward. You have to for those little people you love.

We are here, other advocates and groups are fighting right along with you.

Have a cry, feel jealous, then have a coffee and push on. You have no choice, and it’s not fair, but that’s your truth.


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