Understanding Our Needs

Let’s talk about understanding our needs and why this is so important for a child or young person, in regards to an EHCP and sections B and F.
In picture one I was being medicated for anxiety with anxiety meds. They didn’t work. I had been told I had an eating disorder for 20yrs. I was being called a victim. I felt broken and beyond repair. I felt confusion and desperation to relax. I struggled to express myself. I felt hypervigilant. I self medicated. I felt wired and exhausted. I felt scared and spent lots of my time in fight or flight.
In picture two, 6 months later, I am medicated for ADHD/diagnosed Autistic. I do not have an eating disorder but realise my actions are learnt behaviours to regulate and chase dopamine, and sensory overwhelm. I feel safe and calm and able to relax. I understand why I do the things I do and understand why I don't relate to being a victim.
My life is not perfect by any means, but the difference between photo 1 and 2 is understanding and acceptance.
If we do not understand ourselves or our children, and the reason for our difficulties, then we cannot identify the correct solutions.
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