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The Holy Grail of 1:1

draft check ehcp specification


So often parents look for, or expect the phrase One to One on their child’s EHCP.

When that does not materialise, they become frustrated and concerned. Especially if their child already has 1:1. The fear they may have fought for an EHCP and get less provision than before is terrifying.

 I have checked over 100 EHCPs in the last year and I can say with all honesty I cannot remember the phrase being present.

(Forgive me if I have checked your child’s and it was present and I can’t remember, I've got 4 kids, so no memory..😂🤦‍♀️).

 Anyway.. the point is.. it is very rare...

But... Don’t panic.. the phrase 1:1 is not the only way to get the need for full support recognised on an EHCP.  (Although clearly it would be the most simple.. if only professionals and the LA would stop playing games and be straight forward and specific.)

 So, What might it look like?

The important wording you are looking for will come from your professional reports and will need to be clearly stated in section F.

Look through your section F and try to really simplify any provision. Ask yourself..

What does this look like in real life?

 For example - Class teacher or TA to support Bobby with pre-teaching of class vocabulary.

 The above example would not dictate one to One and would not be specific enough to ensure Bobby had the right support.  Phrases you will see which would be more specific and could indicate 1:1 might say for example -

Individual phonics sessions for 10 minutes a day, outside of the main classroom to avoid distraction. Always led by a key, consistent TA.  A thorough understanding of Bobbys specific needs will be necessary for this member of teaching staff, as well as a high level of training within ASD.


Bobby will receive sensory breaks, in a quiet area with his sensory box, for 10minutes of each hour. This will be away from other students and a TA will prompt the break throughout the day at the specifics times on visual timetable. The TA will sit close by and give individual support to Bobby throughout.


During all breaks/lunchtimes and throughout the day within lessons, Bobby will be supported by a specified TA who has an in-depth knowledge/training in ASD. The TA will offer a targeted, high level of support, in order for Bobby to access a differentiated curriculum, within a mainstream classroom. The TA will pre-empt any moments when Bobby may need time away from the room, and will model positive communication with peers.

 I’ve been checking a draft this week and although the Ed Psych report was detailed and clearly specified (in its own roundabout way) lots of sections which identified 1:1 (without using those words of course), the draft did not appear clear due to those sections missing the ‘cut and paste’.

 If your reports are not clear. Start with them. Go through and highlight any non-specific info. That’s the base of it all.

 If your reports are clear.. ask yourself what each provision actually is. Simplify each section to as basic as possible and then see if that works for your child.

For example-

Individual phonics sessions for 10 minutes a day, outside of the main classroom to avoid distraction. Always led by a key, consistent TA. A thorough understanding of Bobbys specific needs will be necessary for this member of teaching staff, as well as a high level of training within ASD.


10min phonics 1:1 with an ASD trained TA, outside the room.

If anyone wants to post a comment with a provision they are not sure about, please do and we can decipher together what that means in ‘real’ terms.

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