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Tell Us Once

private reports send code of practice tell us once
Take a look below at the "Tell us once Rule".
If you have a report for your child in an assessment phase or review and the LA want to get their own advice to try to supersede your own being carried out to support the EHCP process. I really do not see how an LA can then say one EP is more sufficient than another.
Send Code of Practice
9.46 The local authority must gather advice from relevant professionals about the child or young person’s education, health and care needs, desired outcomes and special educational, health and care provision that may be required to meet identified needs and achieve desired outcomes.
9.47 The local authority should consider with the child’s parent or the young person and the parties listed under paragraph
9.49 the range of advice required to enable a full EHC needs assessment to take place. The principle underpinning this is ‘tell us once’, avoiding the child’s parent or the young person having to provide the same information multiple times. The child’s parent or the young person should be supported to understand the range of assessments available so they can take an informed decision about whether existing advice is satisfactory. The local authority MUST NOT seek further advice if such advice has already been provided (for any purpose) and the person providing the advice, the local authority and the child’s parent or the young person are all satisfied that it is sufficient for the assessment process. In making this decision, the local authority and the person providing the advice should ensure the advice remains current.

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