Reassessment of Needs

Plan not working for your child?
No one wants to help?
If you feel your childs needs have significantly changed but you have no up to date reports, you can call a Reassessment:
Please find below an email template you can cut and paste to email to your LA.
Dear 0-25team
Please accept this as my formal request for a re-assessment of my childs needs. Below you will see the relevant legislation. I am aware that you must reply to me within 15days to let me know whether you will re-assess or not, and if not, I will have my right of appeal.
My childs plan is out of date and their needs have changed significantly, meaning only a full re-assessment would be suitable at this time.
Re-assessments of EHC plans Relevant legislation:
Section 44 of the Children and Families Act 2014 and Regulations 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27 of the SEND Regulations 2014
9.186 The review process will enable changes to be made to an EHC plan so it remains relevant to the needs of the child or young person and the desired outcomes. There may be occasions when a re-assessment becomes appropriate, particularly when a child or young person’s needs change significantly.
Requesting a re-assessment
9.187 Local authorities must conduct a re-assessment of a child or young person’s EHC plan if a request is made by the child’s parent or the young person, or the governing body, proprietor or principal of the educational institution attended by the child or young person, or the CCG (or NHS England where relevant). A local authority may also decide to initiate a re-assessment without a request if it thinks one is necessary. A re-assessment may be necessary when a young person with care support specified in their EHC plan turns 18. Adult care services will need to carry out an assessment to identify what support adult services may need to provide, and ensure the assessment is timely so that services are in place when needed.
9.190 The local authority must notify the child’s parent or the young person of its decision as to whether or not it will undertake a re-assessment within 15 calendar days of receiving the request to re-assess. If the local authority decides not to re-assess, it must notify the child’s parent or the young person of their right to appeal that decision and the time limit for doing so.
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