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Please Appeal!

appeal membership winning

Please APPEAL. Even if you don't feel able at the moment, I promise you your strength will grow.. You can do it!

I wanted to inspire you with this post from a parent. They won, and you can too. An appeal will improve your plan. Not everyone gets all the outcomes they want from an appeal, but your childs plan will be improved in some way, even if that feels small. It will be worth it.

"Dear Jess

Hope you are well? I wanted to share our amazing news! We went to Tribunal and won! We have an amazing comprehensive EHCP which the judge herself wrote! And were awarded the school we wanted!!!!

I’m so proud of myself! It’s just amazing!

At certain points of my journey seeing yourself and your fire for keeping going was really inspiring! Thank you ❤️

Best wishes"

(Photo just cause I love it). X

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