PDA & Section F
We often during calls, share information about PDAers with families who are finding it really difficult to get the support they need for their child, AND the understanding they need for themselves.
If you believe your Autistic child is a PDAer, please take a look at their EHCP.. If Section F is filled with demands like:
Bobby will work with a TA on an adult led task not of their choosing for 20 minutes
Bobby will join in a social skills group with 5 other children X times a week with X amount of children..
Bobby is likely to regularly find this unbearable and very quickly feel unable to attend school due to the anxiety these demands place on him...
We do see lots of good EHCPs written by professionals who are trained in PDA and truly understand a self led, low demand approach..
It is possible for your PDAer to feel respected and safe in education. Don't give up. xxx
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