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NOT Fine in School

ehcp parent request send

Are there any words more likely to induce rage/frustration/disappointment (delete as applicable) in a parent?

"We don't see any of that here. He's fine in school"

The truth is, frustrating as it is, if your child is proficient at masking, maybe they don't see it in school if they aren't looking closely or don't know what they are looking for.

The thing is though, as parents, no one knows your child better than you and when you're gathering evidence for maybe an EHCP assessment, or maybe you're looking for an autism or ADHD assessment and you need evidence, its incredibly frustrating when school can't or won't verify what you believe is going on for your child.

So what can you do if you are not getting the evidence you need, or worse, your child isn't getting the support they need?

Gather your own evidence. Make notes. What does your child say about how school has gone that day when they come home? What is their mood like? Are they happy? Are they explosive? What are they like in any other settings?

If you want help in getting it down on paper. Use our FREE parent request questionnaire and we will email you back your answers

Speak to school about your observations. The Send Code of Practice states that parents and children must be listened to, their views must be considered. Ask them for their definition of "fine", explain to them that describing your child as "fine" means they are unlikely to have their needs met, and be properly identified as having SEND.

Then reach out to an Organisation, such as Not Fine in School

and Define Fine

And reach out to our inbox if you are a member. We are here to help.

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