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Happy New Year.


This is the year that SFI will campaign to improve the system.

This is the year that SFI will work tirelessly so that children’s strengths are supported and developed, not just their minimum level of needs met.

Last year our advocacy support directly improved the lives of 400 families. We want to double that this year.

We want everyone, no matter what, to feel empowered to appeal.

We want all LA staff to be held accountable.

We want schools to learn more about the 0-25 Code of practice, so there can be more joined up work around delivering what children need, instead of just giving them what’s available.

We understand funds are tight, but the mistakes and poor support of children and their parents we see is often more about changing a culture, rather than spending endless money.

We won’t make big promises we can’t keep, we will just day by day, work to find solutions to each and every challenge we are set.

So get in touch.

No question is silly.

You got this and we have got you. 💪❤️



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