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Gaslighting and Gatekeeping

We wonder why mental health is such a concern...
Because when people reach out for help, adults and children we face a fight for support.
Drs surgery.
I booked a mental health appointment 2 weeks ago to get medication for an extreme, long term, diagnosed difficulty I have with food.
Appointment today meant to be pre 3pm. 3.30pm missed call, as driving..
Text message re my appointment being moved to 12th April.
So I called the receptionist;
This is not ok. I have a need for urgent mental health support need. Ive waited 2 weeks. I really need to speak to someone Monday.
The Dr didn’t think it was an emergency..
What the Dr I have not EVER met has decided my concerns not urgent!
Well the emergency Dr can call you some time this evening.
No. I’m with 3 children one of whom is here for respite. That’s why it was booked for before 3pm, but the Dr missed it..
Well if it was an emergency you would take the call.
Right... so you expect me to be at the point where I’m in such crisis I would discuss my severely disordered eating and mental health in front of 3 young children. It’s either that or I’m not urgent enough and have to wait another 4 weeks, on top of the 2 I’ve waited.
That’s how we work.
I’m complaining about you and I am telling you now, NEVER EVER say that to someone again. I told you I had an emergency mental health condition, but I am a lone parent, at work. You are telling me it’s not an emergency as if it was I would discuss it in front of my kids. Surely if I did that I’d be a safeguarding concern.
I’m sorry you are upset.. (Gaslighting. I’m not upset. I want mental health support and I’m apparently not allowed it unless I’m willing to terrify my children).
I’m not upset. I’m telling you I’m formally complaining about you telling me that if I had an emergency in terms of my mental health I would take the call. My mental health is an emergency. You do not get to tell me whether I fit that box.

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