Bridge the gaps by understanding our childā€™s challenges
We need to bridge the gaps by understanding our child’s challenges.
We need to look deeply into their ability before we start to define what help they require.
So often I enter a situation where decisions are being made and there is no real understanding of ‘why’ a child is struggling to thrive in education.
It’s like putting a plaster cast on your leg, just incase it’s broken...
This child in the picture may not be able to access the curriculum because he...
Could have a hearing difficulty
Could have a processing disorder
Could not speak the language
Could be unable to concentrate
Could require a sensory break
Could have interaction difficulties
Could have PTSD
Etc etc etc etc
Each one of these requires a different specific provision.
Step one. Identify the challenge/difficulty.
Step two identify what the child needs to achieve or where they need to get to.
Step three identify the support this child needs to bridge the gap.
If you need anymore support please get in contact.
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