Barriers to Attendance
If your child is not currently able to attend school - then read on..
These are the rules..
DfE School Attendance publication:
"Schools should advise parents to notify them on the first day the child is unable to attend due to illness. Schools should authorise absences due to illness unless they have genuine cause for concern about the legitimacy of an illness. If the authenticity of illness is in doubt, schools can request parents to provide medical evidence to support illness. Schools can record the absence as unauthorised if not satisfied of the authenticity of the illness but should advise parents of their intention. Schools are advised not to request medical evidence unnecessarily. "
Then - if your child is unable to attend for over 15days, the requirement for your child to have alternative education will kick in..
See the rules here -
And this is a decision from a complaint around all of the above not happening..
If your child is unable to attend school at the moment you are sadly not alone..
This is the most common concern coming to us within our membership.. If this is happening and you want help and your child has an EHCP then join us as a member and we can guide you over email Memberships
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