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Barriers to Attendance

barriers to attendance
Language is important. When we use the phrase "school refuser" or "school refusal" we paint an image of a child who just doesn't want to attend, who wilfully chooses not to attend, who perhaps is acting up to get out of going. Its negative language.
But in reality, for children who have barriers to education, this is so far from the truth. Many actually want to be in school, but they are just too ill or too overwhelmed. Many have unsupported SEND, many are overwhelmed by the school environment, many are struggling with anxiety.
When we use the phrase "barriers to education", or "barriers to attendance" we remove the blame from the child and acknowledge that through no fault of their own, there are things blocking the childs ability to access school, things that must be addressed, in order for the barrier to be removed.
Language matters.

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