Back to School - Practical Help

Do you have a meeting coming up with school about your child's difficulties and not sure where to start?
Or are you just feeling really concerned but cannot get down on paper your why?
OK - Read on and use this format to prepare;
Write down on paper all the things your child struggles with in these areas;
-Communication and Interaction-How they interact with adults and children
-Cognition and Learning- How they learn
-Social Emotional and Mental Health - How they feel and understand others feelings
-Sensory and Physical -How they eat, sleep, move, react to the environment and life around them. Independence and life skills.
Then state clearly concerns you see if your child does not get the support needed. Think about concerns in these areas;
-Physical and Emotional Safety for your child and others
-Falling behind in learning
-Isolation from peers- either due to the schools management of behaviour or your child's difficulty with peer friendships
-Vulnerability around peers and adults
-Independence and life skills
-Inability to engage and feel part of the curriculum
-Barriers to attendance
Even if you do not have a meeting, this is a positive way to focus in on how you are feeling at the start of term.. You could then do this activity again after one month and see if things feel like they have improved.
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