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Back to School

barriers to attendance membership school holidays

As we move into the final couple of weeks of the Summer holidays, we know many families are preparing for the return to school. Uniform buying, stationery supplies, new shoes, looking over timetables, excitement at seeing friends again, nerves at meeting new friends. We know that for all children, some nerves at starting a new year group or new school is absolutely standard.

But we also know that for many families this is a time of great anxiety, the fear of the unknown, previous trauma causing stress and anxiety for the child, and the worry for the parents of how their children will cope.

And we know there are parents who don't know whether to buy new shoes because they don't know if their child will even manage a day in school in September.

Furthermore, there are families who's children don't have any placement to go to.

We want you to know that while it seems like everyone around you is preparing for a new term, we know you feel alone and isolated. We know it feels like you are the only people who are experiencing these things. We know that while your child struggles with their anxiety, you are experiencing your own anxieties too. You are absolutely not alone. Tens of thousands of families across the country are experiencing not having a placement to attend, barriers to education (also known as school refusal, but we prefer not to use that phrase), or above average anxiety, or trauma.

If you need to talk, rant, cry, or vent, you can find us in our Email Support Only Membership. We Listen.

You are not alone.

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