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Attendance and Witness forms for the SEND Tribunal

appeal attendance form witness


You will need to send in your completed attendance form to indicate who will attend on your side, including representatives or helpers and witnesses.

It is not uncommon for LAs to put ‘to be confirmed’ on the attendance form. This is annoying, but it is generally accepted by the SEND Tribunal.

Remember that you can do the same!

The SEND tribunal can say no to anyone at the hearing who is not on the form, AND if you forget to do the attendance form, the SENDIST will send you an email and tell you that if you don't by a further date they will strike the case..

The form is not just for witnesses, it is who will be there, so it is very important. No form and the Judge could decide the case is no more as no one will come from your side..

The general max number of witnesses is around 3 people, but you don't have to have any..

If you want someone to attend who is saying they will not, for example a SENCO may say no if they believe different to a Head teacher and feel under pressure, you can ask the SEND Tribunal for a witness summons.

An application for a witness summons should be made using the Request for Changes Form. SEND7.


Please share widely with anyone who has an appeal they are managing themselves. Lets break the myth that parents cannot do this, as we see parents manage their cases day after day.. We do the admin and hold your hand, but these parents represent themselves and win time after time!

For any info on appeals like the info above just get in touch.

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