About Timeframes

When you ask the LA for changes to a draft plan.. the most ridiculous thing is they have to do it "as quickly as possible". This for me is where the SEN Code of practice lets parents down. This completely releases the LA from sticking to timeframes.
If the LA take too long for you. Complain to the LA complaints team and if it seems crazy long, just tell them to finalise and appeal where you will have an end date...
Side note: Some parents tell us their child's school try to get a plan changed at draft stage.. read below.. this is not acceptable.. tell the school to get back in their lane!
9.125 When changes are suggested to the draft EHC plan by the child’s parent or the young person and agreed by the local authority, the draft plan should be amended and issued as the final EHC plan as quickly as possible. The final EHC plan can differ from the draft EHC plan only as a result of any representations made by the child’s parent or the young person (including a request for a Personal Budget) and decisions made about the school or other institution (or type of school or other institution) to be named in the EHC plan. The local authority must not make any other changes – if the local authority wishes to make other changes it must re-issue the draft EHC plan to the child’s parent or the young person (see paragraph 9.77).The final EHC plan should be signed and dated by the local authority officer responsible for signing off the final plan.
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