This makes me think of a family I spoke to yesterday who were wondering whether to appeal for EOTAS -Education Other Than at School.
They were certain they would elective home educate rather than force their child to attend the school they’d been allocated through their EHCP assessment.
Their child had significant history of barriers to attendance. There was just no way a setting felt safe for this family.
So their choice was to:
1-Electively home educate and take full responsibility for the education of their child.
2-Electively home educate whilst they appealed for Education Other Than at school.
3- Force their child to try to attend the school allocated after months/years of barriers. (This was not even a consideration for them![✋](https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/te0/1/16/270b.png)
Education other than at school gives you a personal budget to pay for education/support, when attending a setting is not appropriate.
My take on this was that this parent had nothing to loose. She was concerned about the appeal process, wondering how she would cope.. but we also discussed the concern for her child, having no funding in place long term.
It was worth a try, and worse case, she would continue to Electively home educate after. Knowing she did her best.
The appeal process is not something to be worried about. It’s a learning process. No one expects you to be a solicitor or barrister. If you are up against a solicitor at a hearing.. you will be supported by the judge to feel heard.
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