Refusal to Assess appeals
I’ve had quite a few families recently with refusal to assess, because apparently their need is down to anxiety and not SEND.
These children have been Autistic. So how I ask myself is an LA panel making the decision that this is “anxiety, anxiety” not “anxiety related to the persons ASC needs being unmet”...
If this happens to you.. fight and appeal. Someone is Autistic ALL of the time. Anxiety for them will be related to ASC ALL of the time.
Anxiety sits within the -Social/Emotion and Mental Health part of an EHCP. It is a Need which can impact a child’s ability to access the curriculum.
Even if your child is not Autistic, their anxiety or depression is SEND if it impacts their ability to learn.
An EHCP can guide a school as to how a child’s presentation of anxiety should be supported. If an ASC child has anxiety, there will be different ways they need support than if a Non-Autistic person has anxiety.
If this has happened to you, please share.. Any of your stories will inspire others.
We must empower each other through knowledge to take a stand for our children.
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