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Isolated Children.

bullying child's views ehcp parenting

Loneliness and isolation are two of the biggest areas of concern for the young people I meet. It is a theme that I would say runs through the lives of every family I have met with a child/children who have SEND.

This week I have taken a young persons views, and to say it was distressing would be an understatement.

This child's EHCP is delayed and states lots of high level of provision, none of which is currently taking place. This child is being thrown to the wolves day in day out.

The sadness, hearing a young Autistic person, detailing the kind of bullying that is taking place is horrific.

The more horrific thing is that this is bigger than this one child.. this is an epidemic..

Underfunded schools, leaving children to socially and academically stand out.. as different!

The inclusion policies are not working.. Inclusion in mainstream school for a child with complex SEND, needs to be about funding their needs, so that they can feel included, not just physically, but holistically.

This child has no friends, every lesson is like going through hell...and because the school can't fund the help he needs, they deliver a cover up instead.. or maybe the child tries so hard to look like his peers and act like his peers, he is falling under the radar.

But when he sat in front of me, the words are there.. the feelings are there.. when he is safe, they flow from his mouth and run through his body, like waves of sadness and despair. The hairs on my arms stood on end.

As a mother it is almost too much to bare.. And I know he is not alone.

So tell me... What have the schools your children are in done really well to deal with extreme bullying and a lack of social inclusion?

Are there are ways you guys know of that your child has been able to feel part of something? Not just a few social communication - small group activities..

Have your children with SEND made true friends in Mainstream school?


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