What is SEND?
What is SEND? (Special educational needs and Disability)
We are starting a campaign to offer free guides and videos every day in August. Our aim is to;
Make It Simple
We want you to know it’s ok to be right at the beginning of understanding your childs educational needs and the SEND system.
No judgements from us here at Send Family Instincts. We all had that moment when we realised this was something we needed to start to learn about, to support our children. Before that point we were all oblivious to the world of SEND and EHCPs. (Education health and care plans -the document created to identify your child’s needs and funding required to help them in school).
We want you to know this is a safe space and no question is silly. That’s what we are here for. Just reach out; [email protected]
if you need any confidential signposting about where to start…
So to kick us off
What are the areas of Special Educational Need and Disability?
Below are some answers to give you a feel for the 4 areas that’s schools, local authorities and professionals generally use to look into your child’s difficulties;
Cognition and Learning
- This is all about how your child learns. Their level of ability in learning. Their focus and attention. The setting needed to learn. The types or equipment or resources needed to access learning.
Communication and Interaction
- This is all about how your child interacts with the world around them. How they communicate to adults and children. How they work when in a team. How they communicate their needs. How they verbally communicate and also their body language.
Social Emotional and mental Health
- This is all about how your child feels. How they share their emotions. How they understand others emotions. How they are with friends and around people. Might be about vulnerability too in terms of others taking advantage or bullying them, or their behaviour to others around them.
Sensory and Physical
- This is all about how they are within their environment. How they are impacted by what they see, hear and the physical impact of their environment. Might be about how they eat or sleep or toilet. It also might be about their independence skills. How they are accessing the community and how they physically move and write.
If you now want to find out more about your child in these areas, take our free questionnaire and watch our free EHCP course to identify whether your child may need an education health and care plan to enable them to get the most out of their learning.
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