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We <3 EHCP's!


Ok - Weird as it is, as I am sure you all HATE them.. We LOVE EHCPS!

The thought of not working on and with them for any period of time brings a shiver to my spine...


So, during this time, our page will be 100% EHCPs. That is not because we don't realise how hard things will be, but because we want to remain true to what this page is about.

You have pages to help with other areas of challenge, but ours is and always will be your EHCP support place.

Keep asking questions and use this time to really knuckle down and get your child's plan on track.

We will be giving away LOADs of free resources and videos to help you check your child's EHCP.

We will not be discussing the C word here, we just wanted to say one last time that we are open to talk to parents who need to vent about anything at all, contact us, but our posts will remain as obsessed with EHCPs as ever..

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