School Holidays
Whatever your school holidays look like…in the house or out and about, we are here and thinking about you all. Hoping you are finding some small joy.
I have 4 kids and I’m a lone parent. My parents stepped in last week and looked after 2 of my kids. So I took two of my children away for the night to see their cousins. Now my respite has ended and I’m feeling more exhausted than before.
Another mum said to me recently, “Don’t you find it’s actually so hard when you have a break. Life tends to feel that much more tiring as you get back into the flow. It’s like you remind yourself what personal space and relaxing is.. then it’s snatched away”.
Finding things difficult is nothing to be ashamed of. Reaching out to others for help or just to complain is OK. I’m very open about the highs and lows in my life. I’m not here to pretend it’s not difficult being in my personal situation or managing all my kids needs.
I know every one of you on this page have your own challenges. Trauma. Crisis. Your own and your families health, educational and emotional needs.
We are all just doing our best.
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