How Do Your Kids Regulate?
My child regulates with either outdoor energetic activities, or with loud videos whilst lying on top of me.
The lying on me can be quite a nice connected time… BUT also can be hard for me as I like to move about and do my own self regulating activities.
This is the thing for parent carers that makes life a challenge over and above those without children who have SEND.
It’s not about coming across as an ‘Autism Mom’ or being a martyr because your child’s needs impact you.
We have to create safe spaces where it’s definitely always OK to share how hard it can be to support our children and young people who have SEND.
Parents/carers are on this page because your children have needs which are significantly higher than their peers. That’s the definition of SEND.
It’s OK to find that difficult, we love our children, so their pain and struggles always become our own.
I think back to when my life was extremely hard due to Domestic abuse and the secrecy I held. Too ashamed to say how hard things were. Behind closed doors life was so so different to what others saw. In a different way now, my life can be the same. Due to masking and me being a safe person to my kids, I always see the things others don’t. That’s a really lonely place to be sometimes.
We are so pleased you are here and we want you to know you don’t have to keep it all in.
This is us saying. We completely get it. We find it hard too and we want you to know you can share your struggles with us without fear of judgement.
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