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ehcp gaslighting meetings


One of our members has a really challenging review meeting tomorrow. I just want to put it out there..

It is OK to sit and listen and not agree but also just take notes and ignore gaslighting....

You are not losing by not getting your point fully across in a stupid meeting...

In fact, asking questions and not getting embroiled in the BullShit is the best way to deal with Gaslighting.. Let them trip themselves up!

When I was in family court and being publicly gaslit and shamed. I just stayed calm and quiet and the truest of true colours shone straight out of my perpetrator for all to see..

I know it is hard to not feel angry. Believe me, I had rage in my belly.. but staying calm is always the better option if at all possible.. (by the way this does not mean don't get upset if that is how you feel.. I just want you to understand that meetings are not where the magic happens, so worrying and stressing is almost wasted energy..)

See a review as an interview.. You are the employer.. They need to prove they are good enough and tick all the boxes.. Otherwise you appeal!

Attack with facts, by email and through appeals.. Meetings are pretty much all a load of hot air... Even reviews!

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