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Do not struggle on Alone.

mental health parenting send social care

Not strictly EHCP related:

For anyone struggling to manage due to enablers or usual respite not being available, please do get in touch with your social worker.

Even if you feel like you have no way forward and no option for support, open up to them and you may be able to find a way.

In crisis situations the physical and psychological well-being of a child will always come first. I know many people do not have much luck with social care, but even a relaxation of whom you can pay, may mean you have a close friend or family member who could offer an emergency level of support.

I am a respite carer, so I am speaking from current experience. There are ways you can get respite.

I’m not talking about all situations, but if you are at the absolute end of your line. Don’t sit in silence.

Your enabler or respite carer will certainly be a key worker to your family and cannot work from home.

You do not have to cope alone.

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