About ADHD
Buying school shoes sounds simple.. oh no. Not if you have ADHD .
I felt accomplished when I ordered. But I managed to buy 3 pairs instead of 1 pair somehow and didn't even notice the cost.
This is what adult ADHD can look like. I have a low attention to detail for this type of thing and mess up purchasing as it is a task that bores me.
Once, I paid for 2 holidays to Barcelona at the same time. No excuse. No refund. Just my urgency to have the task completed left me hugely out of pocket.
As an adult I don't like buying stuff and this is why. I make my own accommodations by saying I don't like shopping. I keep things as long as possible but really my frugality is a mask. When things break in my home I can go huge lengths of time avoiding replacing things as I have an innate fear of messing up a purchase.
Stuff like this can impact self esteem as well, as all these mistakes make you feel a bit crap at stuff that others achieve so effortlessly.
Anyone relate?
This and other reasons are why many ADHDer young people will need social care sections on EHCPs and support in the community and with life skills.
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